Four white walls surround me
My heart beats dully
In the distance the wind roars faintly
But the sound of the frantic keyboard is deafening
Around me is empty space
A stagnant void that does nothing
Here in this room there’s only me
Me and only me
It weighs on me
Like a blanket on a cold night
The tranquil silence
Which gives me comfort
I am content where I am right now
Because I know it’s not forever
Here in this room there’s only me
Me and only me

Veena Raigaonkar
Veena is from India, but currently she is a student living in Littleton, Colo. Her many passions include books, dance, and music. She is fluent in English, Marathi, and Hindi, and she is very proud to call herself a multilingual person. Although she is a vegetarian, she likes to try out new cuisines from all over the world; at least, when she can. She is overflowed with excitement and enthusiasm when experimenting and loves tackling the challenges that come her way, as long as she is not feeling particularly sleepy!